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2022 Year End Report

We made massive progress in 2022 toward our goals! Check out our 2022 year-end report to see what we've done and where we are headed!

Daniel Has Three Dashes

When Daniel went to prison, that very day he was convicted, I felt as if he went straight to hell. The fear I had was overwhelming. The unknown and the internet were full of frightening information about what prison life was like and that paralyzed me.

A Different Voter Bloc

The reason why lawmakers can safely ignore us all is that we are not organized like other voter blocs. Too many politicians do an excellent job pitting enough of us against them, canceling out each other in the calculation of who can be ignored. We remain numb to the fact that the most efficient way to fix broken systems is through our bloc of issue-driven votes.

Beyond the Fog and Fear: Staying Focused on Justice Reform | The NIA

If we follow the studies, the data and the money to explain why – perhaps why, we’d see that the picture is still the same as it has been for generations: We miseducate and underdevelop, then we over incarcerate, refuse to cure or rehabilitate, and exacerbate the depth and scale of the problem because the resulting cycle is both a cash industry and a social-control phenomenon too overblown to contend.

Leave My Citizen-Right to Vote Alone

I served 7 years in prison 4 years ago... While most Americans right now and all around us, are active and vocal about voting – I can’t vote. In fact, I can’t vote until I’m 80 years old – another 20 years from now.

When a Parent Goes to Prison

Filmmaker Denali Tiller had another project in mind when she began following a woman who had been incarcerated for 17 years and had developed a program aimed at addressing the trauma experienced by children whose parents were in prison.

Over-incarceration crosses political, demographic lines

Regardless of how big political disagreements may seem, there are issues that transcend political lines, and criminal justice reform is one of those issues. I know from personal experience that nothing compares to the struggle of seeing that while the holidays are a joy for so many, they can also be a reminder....

A Mother’s Love…

This isn’t my story. This is a story of unwavering passion and determination. This is a story of a mother’s love.

Dear Mothers

As we celebrate mothers on Mother’s Day, let us not forget who mothers really are. Mothers are amazing women who love so unconditionally.

They Call Me Momma Kate

Momma Kate is part of a small package of mammas who devote a lot of attention to the incarcerated and their families, and instinctively they can’t turn their backs on a family in distress.

Treat ‘em Like Dogs (Please)

When my son was first convicted, I was thrust into an arena that was beyond my wildest fears. The chaos and destruction of my world was devastating. My son was suicidal and in a system that could not and would not help me help him. I knew in my heart that I would fight every day for his life.

I Used to Be Different. Now I’m the Same

Only when my personal reality was shattered did I realize all of my assumptions were built on quicksand. October 24, 2012 is when everything changed. That was the day my son went to prison. As one of the new friends I made in line waiting to visit him later told me: “Honey, that’s the day you became...

Memorial Day in Full Measure

“I guess I want people to know that while they certainly fought for country, they died protecting their buddies.” Perhaps then, the greatest wish of the fallen hero would be to continue to care for his buddies – those still alive, still struggling to adjust. To make things right and to make them whole.

When It Hits Your Doorstep: Vincia’s Story

If I could only look a parent in the eye who happens to also be a policy maker, I would ask, “how do you want my son to return to society?” Or better even, “is it starting to make more sense to care how my son will return to society?”

Ban the Box

I’ve heard so much talk recently about this “Ban the Box” initiative. I just learned a little bit more about it. Apparently, a company or an agency can eliminate the box on a job application that asks if you’ve ever been arrested or convicted of a crime.

Blaming Basil Eleby

Since the collapse of Atlanta’s I-85 expanse at the Buford-Spring connector, emotions have been ignited and people want answers. Why was he still on the street after so many arrests? How long can he be locked away this time, once and for all? What judges kept letting him out? Did the District Attorney drop the ball? How much is all this going to cost us as taxpayers?

Paying For Crime

But consider a third party, those who also pay when a crime is committed- the taxpayers. From a literal perspective, it is taxpayers' dollars used to build and maintain the prison system across the Land of the Free.

Dogs & Men

It was very cold in the jail. Notice how the guys have coats and thermals on under their uniform. These layers are necessary, despite

Listen Up {Elected Officials}

This topic is something that affects each and every one of us who live and pay taxes in this country. It is our moral obligation to fully understand the impact that our ignorance is having on all of us.

Why Families Give Up

Suddenly an elderly man collapsed. The heat was too much for him. The crowd was scared and screamed for help. The officer on duty got him inside and cooled him off, then the family left. I have no idea who they were, how long they drove or if anyone would let the man who they were visiting know what had happened.

The Prison Family Conundrum

It is obvious to each of us that we in no way intend to forgo the safety and security of our communities. We all understand the need to incarcerate individuals that are a danger.