Patrick Rodriguez – Day 283
“I know that with the support of family, Canine Cellmates, and The National Incarceration Association, [...]
The NIA is here to help reverse current irresponsible norms and bring hope, bridge gaps, connect assets, end waste and advocate for those who have no voice.
“I know that with the support of family, Canine Cellmates, and The National Incarceration Association, [...]
“Thank you for being there. having someone that understands this mess is comforting”
“I am thankful someone out there thinks about the pain our families are going through [...]
“Thank you for all your work to improve the conditions for those of us locked [...]
“… you’re a great conversationalist who had any answers to the questions that I had.”
“Due to the psychological battlefield of my environment… it is good to know you understand [...]
“Your powerful political voice is inspiring and offers hopes of prison and justice reforms to [...]