One Urgent National Day of Service

One Urgent Day for National Service - Understanding what makes America - understanding compassion. Seeing through the stigmatism. Seeing that they are the same as you - having done what you do.

Costly policing can’t make dent in rising crime

We cannot effectively address Atlanta’s skyrocketing crime rates simply by employing old tactics which have failed to work in the past. The mayor has proposed hiring 250 additional police officers, expanding the city’s video surveillance and license plate reader systems, and adding 10,000 more streetlights by Dec. 31, 2022.

The Evolving Truth of Freedom: A 4th of July Message

The growing band of American colonists realized they were among a diverse collection of peoples from different lands, different cultures and different interests, all with one common resolve to live independent and free of fear. So from their perspective of oppression, they focused not on musket and domain, but on commonality.